
We’re continually looking for new ways to improve and reduce our environmental footprint through green activities and sustainability initiatives.

What's New

Recycling Lab Waste

We are happy to announce that recycling is now available in all wet-bench lab spaces. A large recycling bin has been set up in the north hallways to recycle paper, cardboard and packing boxes. A large landfill container has also been set up for packaging materials such as bubble wrap and ice packs. Please ensure that you flatten the cardboard boxes before putting them in the recycling container.


Save Your Styrofoam 

In partnership with the University of Toronto, styrofoam boxes smaller than 20″ x 20″ x 20″ can be returned to MedStore to be reused. We have set up a small bin in the LKSKI receiving dock area as a designated collection point. Please place any styrofoam boxes in this bin for MedStore to pick up.

For more information, please contact or


Composting Paper Towels in LKSKI Bathrooms

We are happy to announce that the LKSKI bathrooms now have a separate container for composting paper towels. Please ensure that only paper towels are put into this container to avoid contamination.

For any feedback or concerns, please contact

A greener workplace

  • Turn off your computer at the end of the work day. Check out our Turn Off Your Computer campaign for more information.
  • Report tap leaks and running toilets to Engineering.
  • Turn off your lights whenever you leave your office or lab space.
  • Carefully separate recycling, compost and landfill.
  • Use reusable water bottles.
  • Bring a reusable coffee mug whenever you enjoy a beverage at work.
  • Did you know we recycle batteries and toner cartridges?
  • Go electronic! If you have to print, do so double-sided and in black and white.