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Natasha Sabur



Organ Injury and Repair Pillar


Dr. Sabur is a Respirologist and TB specialist at St. Michael’s Hospital. She is an Assistant Professor of Medicine and Clinician Investigator in the Division of Respirology at the University of Toronto.  She serves as Medical Director of the Tuberculosis Program at Unity Health, St. Michael’s Hospital.   

Her research interests include treatment outcomes in drug-resistant/drug-intolerant TB and patients with co-morbid illness, and subclinical TB.  She is the recipient of a Canadian Institute for Health Research CANTAP Talent Early Career Research award, and is a member of the Adaptive TB Trials Network.  She hosts province-wide TB case rounds, and has done advocacy work with TB clinicians across the province to improve access to TB care. She also coordinates the TB elective at the University of Toronto, and participates in the University of Toronto TB fellowship program. 

Research Appointment: Investigator

Other Appointments & Affiliations

  • Medical Director, TB Program, Unity Health - St. Michael’s Hospital
  • Assistant Professor, Division of Respirology, University of Toronto
  • Respirologist and TB Specialist, Unity Health – St. Michael’s Hospital and UHN – West Park Healthcare Centre
  • Investigator, Li Ka Shing Knowledge Institute