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Ripudaman S. Minhas



Urban and Community Health Pillar


Dr. Ripudaman Singh Minhas is a Developmental Paediatrician with the Women’s and Children’s Health Program at St Michael’s Hospital and an Associate Professor in the Department of Pediatrics, University of Toronto. His research interests are in the development, behaviour, disability, and rehabilitation of children in urban settings and in newcomer immigrant and refugee families. He is currently working to develop interventions to support the developmental potential of children in the unique context of their social determinants of health and inequity. His team uses Community-Based Participatory Research principles to guide the co-creation and implementation of family-based interventions and the evolution of health systems.

His current focus is in supporting parenting in communities experiencing marginalization. This includes the Maple Circle program which aims to support the parenting journey of families of refugee background, and “Our Kids Health“, a social media-based health literacy program to support families.

Dr. Minhas has conducted research on populations in Kenya, Uganda, and India, examining various aspects of early childhood development, injury and disability, and the developmental care of immigrant, refugee, and internationally adopted children in Toronto.

Dr. Minhas completed the Developmental Pediatrics subspecialty training program at the University of Toronto and the Holland Bloorview Kids Rehabilitation Hospital. He was a Global Health Scholar at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health in Baltimore, Maryland, and completed his Master of Public Health and a certificate in Global Health there. Dr. Minhas completed his medical degree at the University of Toronto, with General Paediatrics residency at the Hospital for Sick Children in Toronto.

Research Appointment: Investigator

Other Appointments & Affiliations

  • Director of Research, Department of Pediatrics, St. Michael’s Hospital
  • Associate Professor, Department of Pediatrics, University of Toronto