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Rola Saleeb



Organ Injury and Repair Pillar


Dr. Saleeb received her Medical degree from the Kasr Al-Einy Faculty of Medicine, Cairo University. She completed a combined Anatomical Pathology postgraduate training/PhD training at University of Toronto. She has also completed the one-year Transformative Pathology molecular fellowship granted by the Ontario Institute of Cancer Research. Dr. Saleeb’s research focus is Genitourinary Pathology and Kidney cancer. Dr. Saleeb’s research focus is translational research in the fields of Molecular Pathology and Genitourinary pathology. She believes in the importance of integrating the tumor’s morphology with its molecular makeup to define and determine its characteristics. Her doctorate research was focused on studying Papillary Renal Cell Carcinoma, for which the authors have proposed a combined molecular and morphological classification, (“biological classification”) that would better stratify patients from prognostic and predictive aspects.

Saleeb, Rola M., Fadi Brimo, Mina Farag, Alexis Rompré-Brodeur, Fabio Rotondo, Vidya Beharry, Samantha Wala et al. “Toward Biological Subtyping of Papillary Renal Cell Carcinoma With Clinical Implications Through Histologic, Immunohistochemical, and Molecular Analysis.” The American journal of surgical pathology 41, no. 12 (2017): 1618-1629.

Research Appointment: Investigator

Other Appointments & Affiliations

  • Staff Pathologist, Laboratory Medicine, St. Michael’s Hospital
  • Assistant Professor, University of Toronto

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