Undergraduate & Medical Students
Research at Unity Health Toronto provides hands-on training opportunities for undergraduate students, including the Keenan Research Summer Student Program (KRSS) and the Co-op Student Program.
Undergraduate Summer Student Program
Keenan Research Summer Student Program (KRSS)
The Keenan Research Summer Student (KRSS) Program provides opportunities for undergraduate and medical students to conduct research at Unity Health Toronto (St. Michael’s Hospital site) under the supervision of a Principal Investigator (scientist and/or MD).
For questions, please contact KRSS.Program@unityhealth.to.
Frequently Asked Questions For Students
How do I Apply to the KRSS Program?
Students must first align themselves with a Principal Investigator (PI) at Unity Health Toronto. Please review the online researcher profiles in the Researchers section of the website and select a few who conduct research relevant to your interests. It’s important to ensure you are interested in their research and the topic is relevant to your field of study.
If you are not a Canadian citizen or permanent resident, please ensure to obtain a Canadian work permit for international students.
Co-op/Practicum Student Program
Unity Health Toronto provides hands-on training opportunities for undergraduate or graduate students already registered in a University Co-op or Practicum Program. Co-op/Practicum students may be paid or unpaid depending on the requirements of the University Co-op/Practicum Program and the research supervisor’s funding.