RTC Seminars
The RTC Clinical (Dry Bench) monthly seminars are usually held on Thursdays from 12 PM to 1 PM. As of October 2022, Basic research (Wet bench) monthly seminars have been canceled. Basic (Wet bench) trainees are invited to present at the 6th Floor Organ Injury seminars. All Unity Health faculty, staff, postdocs, and trainees are encouraged to attend these seminars, which offer valuable learning and networking opportunities. Trainees have the chance to present their research and receive feedback from experienced scientists, research staff, and peers. The seminar schedule can be accessed on the Events page.
Why present at RTC seminars and attend these presentations?
Attending and presenting at research seminars is a valuable aspect of your training, equipping you with transferable skills applicable across various career paths. These seminars amplify the visibility of your research within the broader Unity Health Toronto community, fostering networking opportunities with fellow researchers. Your future employer, supervisor, or collaborator could be among the attendees! Additionally, presenting at these seminars can enhance your CV.
It is important to note that these seminars are not designed to add undue pressure on our trainees, nor do we expect fully polished or published works. However, presenters should have substantial data to share. For graduate trainees, presenting in their second year or later is optimal. Presentations are neither graded nor ranked. Instead, the seminars serve as a collaborative platform where graduate trainees, postdoctoral fellows, and Principal Investigators can assist, learn from, and engage with each other on cutting-edge scientific research.
Seminar Instructions
For more information, please review our instructions for Presenters and instructions for Facilitators.
If you are a Unity Health trainee and interested in presenting at an upcoming RTC seminar, please contact us at RTC@unityhealth.to indicating your name, supervisor, a topic (a full title can be provided later) and any preferred dates. We are asking presenters to prepare a 20-30-minute presentation.
Attendance of the seminars
Demonstrated attendance and participation at seminars will be favored during the evaluation process of the internal RTC scholarships and awards.