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Research Leadership

The Research Leadership Committee oversees research strategies and operations at Unity Health, fostering collaboration and communication among the research community.

The Research Leadership Committee (RLC) comprises the Vice President of Research & Innovation (VPRI) as the Chair, the Executive Directors of Li Ka Shing Knowledge Institute (LKSKI) and the Keenan Research Centre for Biomedical Science (KRCBS), the Scientific Pillar Directors, and individuals representing senior scientists and research administrators. RLC oversees all strategic and operational matters pertaining to research and innovation at Unity Health Toronto. It also supports the VPRI in optimizing operations, fostering collaboration and enhancing communication among researchers, research programs, research administration, and hospital administration.

RLC Membership

Dr. Ori D. Rotstein (Chair)

Vice President, Research and Innovation

Dr. Andrew Baker

Scientific Director, Critical Care Pillar

Dr. Kim Connelly

Executive Director, Keenan Research Centre for Biomedical Science

Dr. Tara Gomes

Scientific Director, Urban and Community Health Pillar

Dr. Damian Jankowicz

Executive Vice President and Chief Information & AI Officer

Mani Kang

Chief Operating Officer, Research

Dr. Andras Kapus

Scientific Director, Organ Injury and Repair Pillar

Samar Saneinejad

Senior Director, Research Strategy and Commercialization

Dr. Tom Schweizer

Scientific Director, Brain Health and Wellness Pillar

Dr. Sharon Straus

Executive Vice President, Clinical and Chief Medical Officer, and Director, Knowledge Translation Program

Dr. Andrea Tricco

Executive Director, Li Ka Shing Knowledge Institute

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