Blood saves lives. Out of hospital blood transfusions (OHBT) is a critical intervention that happens when a person receives blood components and products while they are on their way to hospital. Canadians receive OHBT more and more often, and most provinces’ land and air ambulances carry blood, however, we do not know if this blood is always put to its best use, because of how OHBT is carried out varies across Canada.

Dr. Nolan recently led a national Delphi process in developing a set of recommendations on how to carry out OHBT safely and effectively. In the next phase, this group will explore the different ways OHBT is currently practiced across Canada and compare them to the recommendations. The comparison will identify areas where OHBT practices can be updated to follow the recommendations.

Canadian Prehospital and Transport Transfusion (CAN-PATT) is a newly established network of critical care transport and transfusion medicine physicians, paramedics and scientists whose vision is to provide timely and equitable access to OHBT in Canada. Dr. Nolan is the lead researcher and will advise CAN-PATT on where their provinces can update OHBT by following the recommendations, and the CAN-PATT members can implement the changes within their provinces. These changes will ensure that the blood that is used in OHBT is allocated as effectively and safely as possible.

Check out some of Dr. Nolan's work in OHBT

Critical Levels Podcast (Episode 24 | Trauma – Dr. Nolan)

St. Michael’s Hospital Foundation – Angel’s Den 2021 (Trauma Patients: Blood Where and When You Need It)

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