Trainees should discuss funding clearly with your supervisor and are strongly encouraged to apply to external sources for funding. Your supervisor will appreciate it, and obtaining external funding is also an acknowledged prestigious achievement, as these awards are competitive.
St. Michael’s Hospital offers internal funding opportunities including:
St. Michael’s Hospital – Li Ka Shing Knowledge Institute Scholarship
- The call for these scholarship comes out in June with a submission deadline of in Mid – July.
- Who can apply? Research Training Centre graduate students (MSc/PhD programs)
Information on the scholarship will be available early September – please check back.
- There are 12 travel awards available annually; 6 for the period of April – September and 6 for the period of October – March. See travel-award-criteria for details.
Other potential sources of funding include:
- A comprehensive list of funding databases is posted in our Grants & Awards page: see Funding Databases
- Funding from an external granting agency (e.g. Canadian Institutes of Health Research, Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council, Heart & Stroke Foundation)
- Partial support from your own graduate program (e.g. Institute of Medical Sciences , Ontario Graduate Scholarship Program)
- Salary from a departmental program (e.g. Surgeon Scientist Program)
- Support from the research grant of your supervisor
- External Sources of Funding, such as: