Meaghan Walker is an Occupational Therapist at St. Michael’s Hospital, working in both the Trauma & Neurosurgery and Orthopedics units. At the University of Toronto, Meaghan received a Master’s of Science in Occupational Therapy after obtaining a Master’s of Science in Rehabilitation Sciences. Much of her research to date has been focused on exploring weight stigma in pediatric healthcare, pediatric health promotion programs and the health care experiences of children with autism. Meaghan is passionate about promoting evidence-based practice and clinical care to individuals who have experienced a traumatic brain injury.
- Walker, M., Nicolardi, D., Christopoulos, T., & Ross, T. Hospital, Hospice, or Home: A scoping review of the importance of place in pediatric palliative care. Palliative & Supportive Care, 1-10. doi:10.1017/S1478951523000664
- Bonder, R., Walker, M., Toulany, A., McPherson, AC. Eating and body image concerns in youth with physical disabilities: A narrative review. (Submitted). Developmental Neurorehabilitation.
- Giles, M, Ball, GDC, Bonder, R, Buchholz, A, Gorter, JW, Morrison, K, Perez, A, Walker, M, McPherson, AC. (Under review). Exploring the complexities of weight management care for children with spina bifida: A qualitative study with children and parents.Disability and Rehabilitation.
- Hamdani, Y., Kassee, C., Walker, M., Lunsky, Y., Gladstone, B,. Sawyer A., Ameis, S., Desarkar, P., Szatmari, P., Lai, MC. (2023). Roadblocks and detours on a patheway to a clinical diagnosis of autism for girls and women: A qualitative secondary analysis. Women’s Health.
- Walker, , Mistry, B., Amin, R., McAdam, L., Kalnins, D., Lui, T & McPherson A.C (2022). A qualitative exploration of the priorities and experiences of children with Duchenne muscular dystrophy, their parents, and healthcare professionals around weight management. Disability and Rehabilitation, 44:26, 8234-8242, DOI: 10.1080/09638288.2021.2008528
- Walker, M, Amin, R, McAdam, L, Lui, T, McPherson, AC. (2023). “Our time is precious”: An exploration of parental feeding behaviours for boys with Duchenne muscular dystrophy. Child: Care, Health & Development, 49(2), 366-372
- Walker, M., Mistry, B., Amin, R., McAdam, K., Kalnins, D., Lui, T., & McPherson, AC. (2021). A qualitative exploration of the priorities and experiences of children with Duchenne muscular dystrophy, their parents and healthcare professionals around weight management. Disability and Rehabilitation, 1-9
- Walker, M., Nixon, S., Haines, J., & McPherson, AC. (2019). I work out, who cares if I’m bigger: What matters to youth with ASD regarding weight and their bodies? Developmental Neurorehabilitation, 23 (1), 1-8.
- Lodewyk, K., McNamara, L., & Walker, M. (2019). Victimization, Physical Activity, and Affective Outcomes during recess in students with and without disabilities. Alberta Journal of Educational Research, 13(2), 37-54.
- Walker, M., & McPherson, AC. (2018) Weight management services for youth with disabilities: A rapid review of the literature. Disability and Rehabilitation, 42(2), 274-282. DOI: 1080/09638288.2018.1497713
- Walker, M., Nixon, S., Haines, J., & McPherson, AC. (2018). Exploring factors for pediatric overweight and obesity in children with disabilities: A commentary on Bronfenbrenner’s ecological systems framework. Developmental Neurorehabilitation, 22(5), 1-6.
- Walker, M., King, G.A., & Hartman, L. (2018). Exploring the use of social media platforms as methodological tools for accessing and understanding the social and interactive experiences of youth with disabilities. The Journal of Social Media and Society, 7(2), 43-68.
- McNamara, L., Lakman, Y., Spadafora, N., Lodewyk, K., & Walker, M. (2018). Recess and children with disabilities: A mixed methods pilot study. Disability and Health Journal, 11, 637-643.
- McNamara, L., & Walker, M. (2018). “It is just too fun to explain”: A qualitative analysis of the recess project in seven lower-socioeconomic elementary schools. Canadian Journal of Action Research, 19(2), 48-66.
- McNamara, L., Gibson, J., Lakman, Y., Spadafora, N., Lodewyk, K., & Walker, M. (2018). Enjoyment and belonging at recess: A mixed-methods study of children’s views of recess and responses to a recess intervention. Journal of Contemporary Issues in Education, 13(2), 37-54.