Systematic Grey Literature Searching

Searching the grey literature is an important part of conducting a systematic, scoping, or other comprehensive literature review. However, grey literature can often be tricky and overwhelming to search. This workshop will define what grey literature is and is not, identify key grey literature sources, describe how search for this information type, and more. This workshop is recommended to anyone who is currently conducting a systematic or scoping review, or who is planning to conduct a systematic or scoping review. It will also be applicable to any individual who is interested in searching grey literature for other purposes.

Course Objectives:

By the end of this session, participants should be able to:

  • Define what grey literature is and is not
  • Justify why it is important to search grey literature when conducting knowledge syntheses
  • Identify key grey literature sources
  • Select grey literature sources specific to a topic and begin creating a search plan
  • Articulate the process involved with producing a well-documented and transparent grey literature search

Target Audience:

  • All staff and students
  • May be of particular interest to those who are currently or planning on conducting a systematic or scoping review

Duration: 1.5 hours

How to register:


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