U of T Library Card Access

Instructions for Physicians

For access privileges to the University of Toronto Libraries’ electronic resources, please obtain the letter from the Business Officer in your University of Toronto department, containing your UTORid and library barcode.

To obtain a TCard, please visit Reader Registration on the 2nd floor of Robarts Library, bringing this letter and photo identification. Reader Registration service hours are from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday.

To obtain your library card and access to the University of Toronto Library’s electronic resources, email Reader Registration at reader.reg@utoronto.ca, to provide current address information.

For more information, please go to the University of Toronto website for instructions on how to gain access to the University of Toronto Library.

Instructions for Visiting Faculty and Staff

To obtain your library card, please bring a letter of introduction, from the University of Toronto department in which you are working, as well as photo ID, to the Reader Registration Desk on the 2nd floor of Robarts Library. The letter will include the length of your appointment and your departmental address. Reader Registration service hours are from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through Friday.

An additional resource is Craig Butosi who can be contacted at craig.butosi@utoronto.ca or 416-978-0942

Instructions for Unity Health Toronto Research Staff

This is for research staff at UHT who:
1. Wish to renew their existing online library access for research staff or
2. Wish to obtain new online UofT library access.

Terms and conditions for access to the U of T Online Library resource

Online library access, provided by the University of Toronto Library, will be used for the exclusive purpose of supporting U of T faculty member(s) in their research. It is understood that U of T library online library access cannot be used in the support of any other responsibilities or duties that the same faculty member may hold at the Hospital (e.g. patient care or administrative roles for the Hospital). Support for such activities can be accessed through the hospital’s library.

U of T reserves the right to deny and/or suspend access if users are found to be in violation of the stated terms and conditions.

In the past, research staff were granted library cards, this has changed.  The University of Toronto Library now provides hospital research staff (who support the research of doctors who have a faculty appointment at UofT), a new login credential, the UTORid, or they will set up a UTORid and send you the activation information.  [Please note they are no longer using library barcodes for access to the databases.]

This remote access cannot be used for any other duties with which the individual may be involved.  If research staff require hard copies of UofT library material they can request them through the St. Michael’s Hospital library hslibrary@smh.ca phone: x5059.

FYI: We do not update U of T Library cards for physicians. We are responsible for updating the list for research staff only.

If you are a Postdoc, please go to the following link to obtain / renew your access:




Again, it is time to update the Unity Health Toronto’s list for U of T online library access.

Who is eligible for this service?
Only research staff who are supporting the research done by Principal Investigators who have faculty appointments at U of T.

Staff who work with doctors who do NOT have faculty appointments at U of T are unfortunately sent back to us as they are not eligible for U of T library access.
Please complete all the questions below and e-mail back to Patrick Kasparian (Patrick.Kasparian@unityhealth.to) :

1. Your Name:
2. Your Title:
3. Name of your Supervisor:
4. Indicate if your Principal Investigator has a U of T faculty appointment (Yes / No):

5. Your site: Providence, St. Joe’s or St. Michael’s Hospital?
6. Your Department:
7. Your Room: Wing:
8. Your Telephone:
9. Your work e-mail:
10. Please indicate if you are full-time employee:
11. Indicate if your appointment or contract has length of stay and state start and end date below.
Your Start date: Your End date:
12. Have you ever had a UTORid? If so, please provide:

13.Your birthdate:  (Please note this information will be deleted from our records once we have submitted to U of T)

14. I have read and understand the Terms and Conditions for access to the U of T Online Library resource and understand that U of T reserves the right to deny and/or suspend access if users are found to be in violation of the stated terms and conditions: (Yes / No):

For more info.:  Patrick Kasparian at e-mail Patrick.Kasparian@unityhealth.to .