Submit Payment Requisition

Payment requisitions must be submitted to

Payment Requisition Form (PRF) can be found here

PRF must be submitted to request:

1) reimbursement*
2) payment of external invoice **

*employee reimbursements must be submitted in Expense Report Management System (ERMS)

** If purchase requisition was submitted and purchase order (PO) was issued, vendor should submit invoice directly to

Preparing PRF package

Fill out PRF, obtain approvals, attach required supporting documentation – for guidance refer to payment requisition video tutorials

Fill out PRF

Enter name, address, total payment requested, pick payment option
For each expense item (on each line):

  • enter research project the expense will be charged to – Company (Co) 2 for research, Accounting Unit (AU) 10/61/64, Project# xxxxxx-xxxxxx
  • enter account code to classify expense (supplies, travel, etc) – find Main Expense Account Codes here 
  • enter amount, HST/GST and the total

State the reason for request (i.e. ‘Travel expenses for conference in Berlin, Jul 13-20’)
If requesting honorarium/stipend/service payment to an individual, please enter their Social Insurance Number (required if cumulative payments in calendar/tax year exceed $500)
Enter Internal Contact information for inquiries.

Obtain approvals

PRF needs to be approved based on signing authority for the activity being charged – either signed, or UHT email approval attached.

If PRF is to request a payment for honoraria, please fill out and attach honorarium log to the PRF request. You can find these forms here.

Research Supplement GuideThis document will help you understand what necessary "back-up" is required for your reimbursement.
Expense PolicyPlease review the policies that pertain to your reimbursement. You must be in line with the policy to be eligible for a reimbursement.
Research Signing Authority
Please review policy on contractual signing authority and financial approval authority delegated to research staff and Principal Investigators.
Credit Card StatementStatements are required for payments made by credit card showing (1) first and last name of payee, (2) last four digits of credit card to match payment and (3) transaction line item.
Gift Cards & Reimbursements

Research staff may use this form if their participants/patients are provided a gift card as honorarium
Other Forms
Internal Transfer FormResearch staff may use this form to transfer funds in-between companies. (Ex, 1 to 2, 2 to 1, 1 to 3, 3 to 1, 2 to 3 or 3 to 2)
*NEW* EFT Payment FormUnity Health Toronto now has the option of EFT payments instead of cheques or wire. If you're payee would prefer an EFT payment, please have them complete this form and attach to the requisition.