Homesubcat > Scientific Pillars of Excellence > Organ Injury & Repair Pillar

Organ Injury & Repair Pillar

Discovering transformative preventative approaches and treatments to acute organ injury, revolutionizing patient care in the field of chronic injury and regeneration.

About the Pillar

The Organ Injury and Repair Pillar investigates the biology underlying tissue damage and the ensuing reparative/regenerative processes of various organ systems (e.g. heart/cardiovascular, lung/respiratory, liver/gastrointestinal, kidney/urinary, and blood/hematological). Our research spans a whole spectrum, encompassing the exploration of disease mechanisms from the fundamental molecular/cellular level through complex tissue (organ) context to whole-organism responses.  Our ultimate goal is twofold: to understand key mechanisms underlying tissue injury and healing, and to develop targeted therapies to reduce injury and enhance regeneration. Thus, our overarching objective, aligned with a key mission of Unity Health Toronto, is to combat chronic disease, by preventing, stopping and reversing it. We aim to develop earlier and more accurate diagnosis and innovative therapies, using pharmacologic and genetic means to restore normal organ functions.

The Organ Injury and Repair Pillar serves as a dynamic nexus for collaborative, interdisciplinary research, pushing the boundaries of knowledge and fostering innovations that will shape the future of organ injury and repair. We strive to make impactful contributions to healthcare and enhance the quality of life for individuals around the world.

Mission Statement

The mission of the Organ Injury and Repair Pillar is to understand the biology of acute and chronic organ injury, and to prevent or reverse these deleterious processes.

Research Focus Areas

  • Biology and Mechanisms of Organ Injury and Repair

  • Cardiovascular Disease

  • Diabetes

  • Organ Fibrosis

  • Lung Disease/Injury

  • Inflammation

  • Cancer

  • Blood Disorders

  • Autoimmune Disorders

  • Wound Healing

Meet the Scientific Director

The Organ Injury and Repair Pillar is led by Scientific Director Dr. Andras Kapus who provides strategic direction and guidance to the research initiatives and collaborative endeavors undertaken within and across the scientific pillars. Watch this short video to learn more about Dr. Kapus.

Organ Injury and Repair Pillar Researchers

Sponsored Events

Please visit the Events Page to learn more about the upcoming learning sessions and events hosted by the Organ Injury & Repair Pillar. Members of the Unity Health community can also sign up for the internal VPRI weekly newsletter by sending a request to to receive updates on these events.

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