Information for Staff

The Keenan Research Summer Student (KRSS) Program provides opportunities for undergraduate and medical students to conduct research at St. Michael’s under the supervision of a principal investigator (scientist and/or MD). Students are also involved in educational programming such as seminars, networking activities and a poster competition.

KRSS Info Session:

Slides: How to Register your KRSS

The 2022 KRSS Registration Packages will be made available below in early March:

Any questions? Email Dalbir Singh (

FAQ for Staff

  • Students who are in a full-time undergraduate degree program at time of application
  • Students in medical school full-time 
  • High school graduates who are enrolled in a relevant undergraduate program for the fall (proof of enrolment is required)

International students are eligible for the program as long as they can legally work in Canada. St. Michael’s Hospital and the Office of Research Administration do not assist in visa applications, accommodations or travel.

  • High school students
  • Graduate students enrolled in an M.Sc. or Ph.D. program 
  • Any student enrolled in another summer student program. This includes – but is not limited to – Banting & Best Diabetes Centre, CREMS/IMS, Canadian Blood Services, UofT Undergraduate Student Research Opportunity Program, Ontario Genomics Institute, etc.

To engage a student in the KRSS program, please follow these steps:

  1. Step 1: Email  with the student’s name and start date
  2. Step 2: Complete the KRSS Registration Package for PIs/Managers in full
    1. For Paid Students (Coming March 2022)
    2. For Volunteer Students (KRSS volunteer document)
  3. Step 4: Send your student the pre-registration link (Available March 2022) so they can be assigned to a registration session.  Registration Sessions are by appointment only; no drop-ins will be accepted. Students cannot work at St. Michael’s Hospital without being registered. Please ensure the student pre-registers at the least two weeks BEFORE arriving/starting at St. Michael’s.


Note: There are different documents and registration sessions for paid, non-paid and returning students. Please be careful as to which pre-registration and documents you are completing (designations will be in the title of the document). 

The KRSS program consists of two types of students:

  • Students hired as employees of the hospital and paid hourly wage that falls on a pay scale starting at $15. Please note; there is an employee benefit rate. For example, if you pay the student $15 per hour, it will cost you approximately, with employer costs, $17.19 per hour.   This additional 14.6% is to cover employer costs which include vacation pay, Employer Health Tax, WSIB coverage, CPP deductions and EI deductions. This is consistent with the compensation model used in 2014 which complies with Canada Revenue Agency direction.  
  • Students registered as Non-Paid Students who wish to gain experience in a research setting (Please note: Non-Paid students will not be paid stipends/honorariums at any time and will solely act as volunteers.)
  • If you are engaging a student in another summer student program, such as but not limited to; Banting & Best Diabetes Centre, CREMS/IMS, Canadian Blood Services, UofT Undergraduate Student Research Opportunity Program, Ontario Genomics Institute, etc., you are ineligible for the KRSS Program. Please contact Cordelia Cooper for instructions on how to register your student as a T4A Summer Student.
  • If you are engaging a summer co-op student, please see the Co-op Student Instructions for registration instructions. (link to Undergraduate section)
  • If you are engaging a student for non-paid research experience without participating in KRSS programming, please see register them as a Research Volunteer (link to “Engage a Research Volunteer” section in Staff Services, Research Employment). View the new Research Visitor and Volunteer Policy.
  • Students must agree to participate in the program on a full-time basis and not terminate their engagement prior to the stipulated end date. Summer students work 37.5 hours per week (Monday to Friday 7.5/hrs per day). 
  • The summer student’s project must take place at St. Michael’s, unless the principal investigator’s office/lab is located off-site.
  • Most summer students are engaged for the full summer term (May to August). The student should be engaged here for a minimum of 4 weeks.

Not all students are paid through the KRSS Program. The program consists of two different types of students:

  1. Students hired as employees of the hospital and paid hourly wage that falls on a pay scale starting at $15.
  2. Students registered as research volunteers who wish to gain experience in a research setting (Please note: volunteer students will not be paid stipends/honorariums at any time and will solely act as volunteers).

It is up to the PI to decide whether students will be paid.

Every summer student (paid, volunteer and returning), must complete the KRSS registration package in order to registered through the Office of Research Administration.  

Details regarding the 2019 Canada Summer Jobs application will be announced via email to researchers. Further details regarding the KRSS Lotto will be announced in January 2022.

We recommend that you read the FAQs carefully as you might find the answer to your question. You can email for any inquiries regarding the KRSS program. Please note this inbox is only checked periodically and response times will not be immediate.

For inquiries unrelated to the KRSS program, please contact Dalbir Singh.

Dalbir Singh

Research Employment Coordinator Email: