Enter the 2020 RiM Raptors’ Den for your chance to win cash, fame, and notoriety!

Individually or as a team, submit your best short pitch abstract (max 500 words) of a business idea that combines the ability to save lives with profitability.*
– Selected applicants will present 5-minute pitches to the RiM2020 audience during the RiM Raptors’ Den plenary on April 29. Pitches will be judged by a panel of resuscitation and industry scientists. A “People’s Choice Pitch” will also be awarded!
– Build your pitch with the following evaluation criteria in mind:

Scientific merit: Is it empirical? Is it evidence based? Is it based on sound science?
Potential life-saving impact: If implemented, is it likely to result in lives saved?
Potential profitability: If implemented, is it likely to generate revenue?
Business merit: Is it based on sound business practices? Does it consider the size of market and return on investment?
Infotainment value: Is the pitch high-quality? Is it infotainment with viral potential? Is it exciting and is it likely to motivate, inspire and/or be shared on social media?



1. Click here to complete and upload the online submission form.

2. DEADLINE: 11:59pm EST Monday March 30, 2020

For more information, please contact the RiM2020 Coordinator: Andrea.Meeson@unityhealth.to

*Links to further, inform & inspire:
– CBC Dragons’ Den: https://www.cbc.ca/dragonsden/m_blog/5-steps-to-the-perfect-business-pitch
– St. Michael’s Hospital Angels’ Den: https://secure3.convio.net/smh/site/SPageNavigator/AngelsDenLandingPage_2019.html