- Ultra-fast X-ray CT with a scan time of down to 5 seconds for mouse total body imaging
- Fully integrated dynamic combined (dual gated) and independent cardiac and respiratory gating
- Sensor-free, projection-based CT cardiac and respiratory gating of up to 4 mice simultaneously
- Option to image up to 4 mice simultaneously in the CT
- Standard trans axial field of view with a diameter of 75 mm and a scanning length of 220 mm
- Medium Size Animal (MSA) imaging, e.g., for total body scanning of up to 5 Kg rabbits
Bio-monitoring and animal handling
- Physiological monitoring unit of animals including ECG triggering, animal temperature regulation and respiration
- Integrated mice and rat animal beds including heater pads and anesthesia cones
- Live optical camera to monitor the animal during scanning
- Special dedicated animal beds supporting the simultaneous scanning of up to 4 mice for high throughput imaging with CT
- Ex vivo sample holders
- Docking station for animal positioning, injection, and preparation prior to acquisition
Other general information
- Fully integrated acquisition computer for CT system
- Separate reconstruction workstation which can be accessed remotely from different computers
- User-friendly touchscreen acquisition input and management console for CT
- Export data formats: TIFF for reconstructed slices; NIFTI or DICOM for reconstructed 3D volume
- Software license of post-processing image analysis software Imalytics and PMOD
Dr. Haibo Zhang (haibo.zhang@unityhealth.to) provides this specialty service.
For more information, please contact Julie Khang (julie.khang@unityhealth.to)