U of T resources

Please visit the University of Toronto Safety page

Community Safety Office: 416-978-1485

Health and Wellness Centre Workshops: https://www.studentlife.utoronto.ca/hwc/workshops

Graduate Conflict Resolution Center: http://gradcrc.utoronto.ca/

Graduate Counselling Services: http://www.sgs.utoronto.ca/currentstudents/Pages/Graduate-Counselling-Services.aspx 

Sports and Recreation: https://kpe.utoronto.ca/sports-and-rec

Sport facilities: https://kpe.utoronto.ca/facilities-memberships

U of T: How are you feeling today? https://www.studentlife.utoronto.ca/hwc/feeling

Ontario resources

Ontario Mental health help line: http://www.connexontario.ca/  1-866-531-2600 (help with mental health issues, substance addiction, problem gambling) Mood disorders association Ontario: http://www.mooddisorders.ca/program/check-up-from-the-neck-up This site lists support programs that help with a wide range of issues including social anxiety, mood swings

Canadian resources

Canadian workplace mental health website: http://thinkmentalhealth.ca/ Mental health commission of Canada: https://www.mhfa.ca/en/workplace-programs

Tips to help you optimize your mental health and cope with stress

https://www.stressstrategies.ca/ https://www.ccohs.ca/oshanswers/psychosocial/stress.html http://callaway/web-assets/posters/work-stress-releasers.pdf http://www.heretohelp.bc.ca/wellness-modules Bell’s Let talk toolkit: https://letstalk.bell.ca/en/toolkit Antidepressant skills site: http://www.comh.ca/antidepressant-skills/work/index.cfm

Helping a co-worker: an Australian mental health site containing an extensive guide on how to help someone with issues


Additional Student Resources

University of Toronto Resources
Graduate Counselling ServicesChallenges presented by graduate-level university life. The focus of counselling is on strengths, resiliency, and skills-buildingMonday to Friday appointment416-978-8030 (and select option 5)SGS or Health and Wellness Centre on U of T campus
Campus PoliceEmergency24/7416-978-2222St. George campus
Health and Wellness Centre WorkshopsSupport for: managing stress, better sleep, coping skills; grief support circle; mindful meditation and eatingRegister based on schedule (consult website)Online registration, email (consult website)Cancellation fee = $60Health and Wellness Centre on U of T campus
Student Life webpageResources for academic, housing, financial, mental health distress; sexual assault safety
Community Safety OfficePersonal safety issues that may affect mental health - bullying, harassment, sexual assault, domestic violence, workplace conflictWork hours416-978-1485Tri-campus; St. George campus
OISE Psychology ClinicLocated at University of Toronto provides comprehensive assessment and intervention services to children and adolescents, and assessment and counselling services to adults. These services are typically provided by students doing their clinical training under the supervision of faculty and staff psychologists.416-978-0620Fees/insurance apply
Graduate Conflict Resolution Centre Prevent, manage or resolve conflict. Trained G2G Peer Advisors (G2G=grad-to-grad) to talk about options and strategies for addressing a concern and university supports and resources. G2G do not intervene or advocate – they listen and can help you to navigate your own way forwardDrop-in or appointment, Mon-Fri 9:30 am to 7pmFree for U of T Grad studentsTri campus
Community Resources
Good2Talk HelplineConfidential helpline providing professional counselling and information and referrals for mental health, addictions and well-being to post-secondary students in Ontario, focus on ages 17-2524/71-866-925-5454Freen/a
Assaulted Women's HelplineTelephone and TTY crisis line to all women who have experienced abuse: provide counselling, emotional support, information and referrals24/7416-863-0511
Gerstein Crisis CentreCommunity based crisis service for adults 16+ in the City of Toronto, who are dealing with a serious mental health issue, concurrent or substance use issue and are currently in crisis. Crisis line and other crisis services; Wellness Recovery Action Plan (WRAP)24/7416-929-5200100 Charles Street East; 1045 Bloor Street West
Toronto Distress CentresVolunteer delivered crisis, emotional support and suicide prevention + intervention + postvention service; homicide and suicide loss survivor support24/7416-408-4357
Canada Suicide Prevention Service (CSPS)National, dedicated crisis and suicide phone and text service. Live Phone and Text is a safe, confidential, one-on-one conversation with a highly-trained empathic responder.24h phone; 4pm to 12am textCall toll-free 1-833-456-4566 or text to 45645Toll free
Mental Health, Drug and Alcohol, and Problem Gambling HelplineConfidential health services information for people experiencing problems with alcohol and drugs, mental illness and/or gambling24/71-866-531-2600, email or webchatFree
Family Service TorontoOffers individual, family and couple counselling. Service in Farsi, Tamil, Spanish, French and English.Call for appointment 416-595-9618, Mon-Thurs 9-6, Fri 9-5Fees on a sliding scale, one free Wed drop-in sessionVarious
Family Services of PeelProfessional counselling, educational programs, employment support services, support for people with developmental disabilities and their families, as well as support for victims of violence and abuseMon-Sat appointment; Walk-in Wed 12-8, Sat 9-12905-270-2250Free walk-inVarious
Walk-in counsellingFree walk-in counselling in central, east and westToronto, offered by various agencies (consult website)FreeVarious
211211 is a three-digit phone number and website that helps you find services in your community that relate to social, non-clinical health, and government services in Ontario.Phone service is open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, in over 100 languages.Call 211
Canadian Mental Health Association: Toronto BranchThe Canadian Mental Association offers support services, public workshops and a variety of health initiatives that focus on mental health and wellbeing.416-977-5580
ConnexOntarioConnexOntario operates three helplines that provide health services information for people experiencing problems with gambling, drugs, alcohol, or mental illness.Drug & Alcohol Helpline:

Mental Health Helpline:

Ontario Problem Gambling Helpline:
UTGSU Covered Services
PsychologistsThe practitioner must be a psychologist, or clinical counselor, or have a Master’s degree in Social WorkPlan covers the cost of a psychologist up to $500 per policy year.
Psy-Vitaliti/Studentcare Psychology NetworkStudentcare has partnered with PsyVitalitï to create the Studentcare Psychology Network, a group of psychologists who offer their services to students at a preferred rate, either in person at PsyVitalitï’s downtown Toronto office or via secure online video conferencing, so that Health Plan members can consult a psychologist in the privacy and comfort of their own home.Covered by UTGSU plan at preferred (reduced) rate
Ryerson University Resources
Centre for Student Developmement and CounsellingThe CSDC offers free, confidential counselling services for students in a professional and friendly environment. Services are provided by our team of psychologists, counsellors, and masters and doctoral interns.416-979-5195FreeJOR 07C
Ryerson Medical CentreRyeron's family doctors can help you take care of your physical and mental wellbeing. 416-979-5070KHW 181
Ryerson Health PromotionRyerson Health Promotion is a group of peer health promoters dedicated to promoting health and wellbeing on our university campus. They can provide you with information, resources and referrals to community agencies.416-979-5000 ext. 4295KHW 279
Academic Accomodation SupportAcademic Accommodation Support helps students with single or multiple disabilities (such as learning disabilities, sensory impairments, acquired brain injuries, ADHD, and mental health, medical, and mobility issues). The Centre helps students secure academic accommodations so that they can fully participate in their academic experience at Ryerson.416-979-5290POD 61B
International Student ServicesInternational Student Services supports international students by offering individual assistance, orientation programs, information sessions, and networking events.416-979-5000 ext. 6655POD 50A
Aboriginal Student ServicesAboriginal Student Services provides support for all First Nations, Aboriginal, Inuit, Metis, status and non-status students can balance academic learning with traditional teachings.416-979-5000 ext. 7699KHW 389
Centre for Women and Trans PeopleThe Centre is a safe and inclusive place for all self-identified women on campus. It provides educational pamphlets, referrals and resources on issues that include racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia, eating disorders, housing, sexual assault, pro-choice resources, violent relationships, support programs, and women’s health. Men are welcome to use the Centre’s resources, but need permission to enter. 416-979-5255 ext. 2350SCC 210
The Ryerson Safe HouseThe Ryerson Safe House provides free and confidential emotional support and assistance to Ryerson students who:

- Are at immediate risk of physical, sexual or emotional abuse
- Are fleeing unsafe or intolerable living conditions
- Have been made suddenly homeless as a result of compelling or extreme circumstances.
416-979-5195JOR 07C
How you can help?
safeTALK trainingEnsure that people with thoughts of suicide are connected to helpers who are prepared to provide first aid interventionsFree for U of T students
York University Resources
AppleTree Medical CentreApple Tree Medical Centre offers a comprehensive list of medical services to the York University community.Monday to Friday, 8:30 a.m - 7 p.m; Saturday, 10 a.m - 2 p.m647-722-2370York Lanes
York University Psychology Clinic (YUPC)YUPC is a community mental health and training centre associated with the Department of Psychology in the Faculty of Health. The clinic utilizes the latest knowledge on effective assessment and treatment. The clinic provides a range of leading edge, effective mental health services to keep people of all ages living healthy, productive lives.Monday - Friday: 9:00 a.m - 6:30 p.m416-650-8488Behavioral Sciences Building, Reception Room 104
The Centre for Sexual Violence Response, Support & Education (The Centre)The Centre for Sexual Violence Response, Support & Education (The Centre) coordinates supports and resources for all members of the community that have experienced sexual violence, receives disclosures and complaints, facilitates safety planning, and assists survivors through the complaint process.24/7416-736-5211 (24/7)301 York Lanes
Student Counselling & Development (SCD)This unit helps York students to realize, develop and fulfill their personal potential in order to maximally benefit from their university experience and manage the challenges of university life. Students come to SCD because of a wide range of concerns including, but not limited to: depression, anxiety, abuse, stress, self-esteem, relationship issues, eating and body image as well as issues related to sexuality, short-term individual, couple, and group counselling, crisis intervention and consultations regarding students in distress/crisis and issues related to overall mental health.9 a.m - 4 p.m: Monday - Friday416-736-5297N110 Bennett Centre for Student
Office of Student Community Relations (OSCR) he Office of Student Community Relations (OSCR) supports students impacted by critical incidents, facing personal crises or multiple complex issues. OSCR supports students, parent/guardians and the community in its role as the University liaison in the management of critical incident cases. OSCR works with students to resolve complaints regarding inappropriate student behaviour either informally or through formal disciplinary processes.416-736-5231W128 Bennett Centre for Student Services
Health Education and Promotion Health Education and Promotion is a team of York students and staff that collaboratively work with on and off campus stakeholders to create a community that supports students’ health and well-being. We provide outreach, workshops and one-on-one peer support for students with regards to mental health, sexual health, alcohol and other drugs and nutrition, all from a harm reduction approach.Monday-Friday: 9 a.m-4:30 p.m416-736-5144s172 Ross Building
GradConnect Wellness ServicesGradConnect Wellness Services aims to support and enhance the mental health and well-being of York University graduate students as they pursue their academic goals through the development and implementation of resources, services, and supports designed to help graduate students connect with their wellness.Monday - Friday: 8:30am - 4:30pm416-736-2100 ext. 33379230 York Lanes