What in the world is a Pecha Kucha?

What in the world is a Pecha Kucha?

  • A pecha kucha is a presentation format that makes your talk concise, visually interesting and keeps things moving at a rapid pace.
  • It draws its name from the Japanese term for the sound of ‘chit chat’.
  • It is based on a simple idea: you (the presenter) narrate your idea/topic through 20 images on 20 slides, which advance automatically every 20 seconds.

What is a Pecha Kucha

Wiki Pecha Kuch

Still unsure? Take a look at our Pecha Kucha TIP SHEET and be sure to visit the following links for some examples of the format in action:

Creativity and Science (Pecha Kucha Presentation)

A Tale of Two e-Patients – Pecha Kucha