Determine eligibility for access to Enterprise Data Warehouse
Access to data in our Enterprise Data Warehouse is restricted to clinicians and researchers at St.. Michael’s Hospital.
Clinicians include physicians, nurses, and health disciplines. Researchers include Scientists, Associate Scientists and Project Investigators.
Please verify that you have valid St. Michael’s Hospital credentials before proceeding (including an access badge, a St. Michael’s email address, etc.).
Obtain approval to access data in the Enterprise Data Warehouse
If you are seeking access to data for the purposes of quality improvement, you can obtain approval through St. Michael’s ReQuIST system. (For Internal Use Only; Click Here for a step-by-step guide on how to externally access internal documents).
Receive access to data in the Enterprise Data Warehouse
Once you have approval, complete this request template to define the variables you need, and any additional specifications.
When your requeest is processed, you will be asked to provide proof of approval. Please provide your approval letter from ReQUIST or the REB.
You will be asked to sign a terms of use agreement stipulating that you understand and agree to the responsibilities of access to the Enterprise Data Warehouse.
Access your data cut is granted for a limited term, as detailed in your approval.