Eno Hysi

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Dr. Eno Hysi is the Canada Research Chair in Quantitative Ultrasound and Photoacoustic Imaging. He is also a Staff Scientist […]

Rola Saleeb

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Dr. Saleeb received her Medical degree from the Kasr Al-Einy Faculty of Medicine, Cairo University. She completed a combined Anatomical […]

Monica Farcas

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Dr. Monica Farcas is an Assistant Professor and Surgeon-Investigator in the Department of Surgery, Division of Urology, at the University […]

Jason Young Lee

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Dr. Jason Young Lee received his MD from the University of Toronto in 2004, where he also completed 5 years […]

Errol Colak

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Dr. Errol Colak is a radiologist, Project Investigator at the Li Ka Shing Knowledge Institute of St. Michael’s Hospital, and […]