Request Badge Access

Follow the steps below to request badge access. For more information, visit the Access Research Areas page.


Register with HR (for employees – instructions provided in your offer of employment letter) or the Office of Research Administration (for students, trainees, visitors & volunteers) who will provide you with access details after registration.

Obtain ID badge from IT

Visit the IT badge office on the 10th floor of Peter Gilgan Patient Care Tower (main Hospital) to have your picture taken and receive your ID badge. Detailed instructions will be provided once you have registered (Step 1).


Request access to research areas

To request access to research areas (Li Ka Shing Knowledge Institute), please use the Online Access Request platform.

*If you are requesting access to NON-RESEARCH areas (The Hospital, 80 Bond, 2 Queen Street, 61 Queen Street, etc.), please fill out an access request form and submit it to the security window on the ground floor of the Patient Care Tower in the main Hospital. 

*For access to 193 Yonge Street, please have your Supervisor send the request to the Research Facilities Project Coordinator. Please ensure that the request includes your name, Unity Health email address and your phone number (for 193 Yonge Street, please also specify which floor you will need access to). Once received, the Project Coordinator will assist you with the building-specific access process.

Complete safety training

All new staff and students working in Research at St. Michael’s must undertake some form of safety training. To view the type of training you are required to complete, please see the Education & Training, Biosafety section.

Issues with access card

If your card is not working after 48 hours or you have any issues with your access, please visit the Security Desk on the ground floor of the Patient Care Tower in the main Hospital.

Phone: 416-864-6060 Ext. 5323