The Research Space Decision Making Mechanism Guidelines were influenced by space standards at similar research institutions and have now been approved by the St. Michael’s Master Plan Steering Committee. These were used to program both the Shuter and Yonge Campuses and were developed to help streamline how various space decisions are made within Research. This mechanism has two functions:
Space requests are to be made to Research Facilities. Wet bench requests and recommended solutions will be reviewed with the Executive Director of the Keenan Research Centre for Biomedical Science. Dry bench requests and recommended solutions will be reviewed with the Executive Director, Li Ka Shing Knowledge Institute. The Director, in consultation with the Vice President, Research & Innovation and/or any other appropriate decision-making body, provides approval for space requests and changes. Significant research space decisions, approvals, adjustments, and plans will be reviewed by the Unity Health Toronto Space Oversight Steering Committee.
Staff inventories will be collected and site audits will occur on a yearly basis for all research space. Space is a common resource and does not belong to specific research groups. When there is a need for research space, under-utilized space will be re-assigned.
Research Facilities works closely with the Planning and Development Department to help maintain our off-site Research properties (e.g., 193 Yonge St.) In addition to renovation and construction projects within our leased spaces, we work with building management to ensure proper maintenance of leased spaces, building improvements and constant communication with building occupants.