RTC Top-Up Award Program 2023 for Graduate Students – MSc or PhD


The Research Training Centre (RTC) is pleased to offer a limited number of top-up awards to support graduate students at the LKSKI and KRCBS. The aim of these awards is to top up stipends for graduate students registered with the Research Training Centre (RTC) in order to help them to perform research and obtain a degree through their work.

Funds Available:

The successful applicant will receive a one-time Top-Up Award of $2000 CAD. We also encourage applicants to seek external funding.


  • March 17, 2023 at 5 pm: Application submission deadline
  • March 2023: Applications which meet all the requirements will be reviewed by a Selection Committee.
  • May 1, 2023: Successful applicants will be notified of the results through email.
  • May 2023: Award winners will be notified when award payments are issued.

Award Administration

The award will be paid in one amount directly to the awardee through payroll.

Eligibility to Apply (at the time of application)

This is a one-time award that will be used as a top-up to your annual stipend. Trainees can apply for this award once as MSc and once as PhD. Priority will be given to those PhD applicants who have not received a top-up award during their MSc studies.

The award is restricted to individuals who meet all of the following criteria at the time of application:

  1. The award holder must be a full-time graduate student at a verified university and based at St. Michael’s Hospital, Unity Health Toronto (UHT).
  2. The award holder’s stipend must be at least in part paid through UHT payroll from an SMH account.
  3. The Awardee’s supervisor must have a primary affiliation (appointment) at LKSKI/KRCBS as a Scientist or Investigator.
  4. Trainees who hold scholarships or fellowships ≥ $10,000 CAD/calendar year (e.g., CIHR) are NOT eligible.
  5. The applicant must have at least 3 months of graduate work completed prior to applying for this award.
  6. The applicant must be registered with the RTC at the time of application. Registration can be completed here. If you are unsure of your registration status, please email rtc@unityhealth.to or rtc@smh.ca.
  7. Demonstrated attendance and participation at RTC events will be favored during the evaluation process
  8. Trainees who have external scholarship application under review can apply for this award. If you receive an external award during the RTC Top-up award review process (by May 1, 2023) please let RTC know right away. Priority will be given to those applicants who have not received external funding.

NOTE: This award is subject to the top-up limits of your department.

Please review your departmental guidelines to ensure you are eligible for this award. If you have already received >$2000/year top-up on your stipend or are receiving a Tri-Agency award, you will NOT be eligible.

Application process

Applicants must submit the following:

  1. Completed RTC Top-up Award Application form
    • This form should be the first page of the application. It will be used for the identification of the applicant.
  2. Curriculum Vitae (CV): Canadian Common CV (CVV) CGS-Master’s Format. Instructions can be found here: https://www.nserc-crsng.gc.ca/Students-Etudiants/CCV_CGSM-CVC_BESCM_eng.asp
  3. A one-page summary of the Research project
    • The summary must describe the research plan, including a short background, rationale, questions, hypothesis (if applicable), methodology, progress to date, and significance of the project.
    • The summary should not contain figures.
    • Use 12-point Times New Roman font and a 2 cm (0.8”) margin all around. The header should contain the applicant’s name and the section title (e.g. Research Summary).
  4. Proof of Enrollment
    • enrolment letter, or offer of admission, or tuition payment receipt, or proof of course registration.
  5. Supervisor’s form
    • Current supervisor of the trainee (LKSKI/KRC scientist) is to complete the supervisor form to indicate acceptance of the conditions of the funding.
    • This form should be emailed from the supervisor directly to rtc@unityhealth.to or rtc@smh.ca.
    • Supervisor should indicate in the subject of the email the name of the applicant.

Submit as ONE (1) .pdf file, with the subject “First Name_Last Name_RTCTopUpAward”, electronically to: rtc@unityhealth.to or rtc@smh.ca. Please cc your PI/supervisor on your application email. The RTC will confirm receipt of your application.

Additional Requirements for Successful Applicants:

The award recipients are expected to attend the RTC trainee seminars SRSA events, present their research at the RTC Clinical (Dry Bench) seminar series (if applicable) and at the RTC Research Day (in the form of an oral or poster presentation). Recipients are encouraged to be active in LKSKI/KRCBS trainee life.


Contact Research Training Centre (RTC)
Email: rtc@unityhealth.to or rtc@smh.ca





The RTC Top-up Award is intended to be used for your salary and cannot be used for research work (i.e. taking courses, travel, etc.)

Your work/research at St. Michael’s Hospital must be used to satisfy the requirements of your graduate program at a recognized academic institution and under the supervision of a St. Michael’s Hospital supervisor.

St. Michael's Hospital RTC Top-Up Award Winners & Honourable Mentions

Congratulations to the Recipients

Ella Adi-Wauran | Curtis D’Hollander | Jennifer Jairam | Chloe Mighton | Saisujani Rasiah | Salma Shickh | Jason Lo Hog Tian | Eric Cerenzia | Tse Wing (Winnie) Ho | Omar Kanny | Danielle Karakas | Seung Hyun (Victoria) Ki|


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