Imaging Equipment

Online scheduling is available only to those individuals who have received training on equipment. Review the Bioimaging guideline on how to receive training. 

Acquisition Systems:

Confocal Systems:

  • Lasers: 405nm, 488nm, 561nm, 640nm, 5mW
  • Objectives: 2.5x/0.085 WD=8.8mm, 10x/0.45 WD=2.0, 20x/0.8 WD=0.55mm, 25X/0.8 Multi Immersion, 63x/1.40 Oil Immersion
  • Detectors: 1 Array AiryScan detector, 2 GaAsP-PMT detectors
  • Filter cubes:
    • DAPI – Excitation 335-383; BP 395; Emission 420-470
    • GFP – Excitation 450-490; BP 495; Emission 500-550
    • DsRed – Excitation 538-562; BP 570; Emission 570-640
    • Cy5 – Excitation 625-655; BP 660; Emission 665-715
  • Book now (552)

  • Spinning Disc: Yokogawa X1 head with Borealis
  • Lasers: solid state 405, 488, 552, 730
  • Emission Filters: Dapi 447/60, GFP 525/50, YFP 545/40 , RFP/Cy3 593/40, TxRed 620/60, Cy7 810/90
  • Objectives: 10X (0.2), 20X (0.75), 40X (0.6 correction collar), 63X (1.4 oil), 100 (1.4 oil)
  • Detector:  Hamamatsu ImagEM X2 EM-CCD camera and ORCA 12-bit camera
  • Book Now (Room 778)
  • Spinning Disc: Diskovery/Nipkow spinning disk with dual-pinhole sizes  (50um & 100um)
  • TIRF: Diskovery TIRF Unit
  • Lasers: solid state 405, 488, 561,637
  • Emission filters: Dapi 450/50, GFP 525/50, RFP/Cy3 600/50, RED 610/75, Cy5 700/75
  • Objectives: 10X(0.25), 20X(0.40), 63XOil(1.47; CORR TIRF)
  • Detectors: Hamamatsu  ImagEM X2 EM-CCD camera, and ORCA-Flash 4.0 V2 PLUS sCMOS camera
  • Book Now (Room 778)


  • Apochromat Multi-Photon LWD 25x Water Immersion Objective Lens, N.A. 1.1, W.D. 1.43-2.04mm, F.O.V. 22mm, DIC, Correction Collar 0-0.17mm
  • Apochromat TIRF 60X Oil Immersion Objective Lens, N.A. 1.49, W.D. 0.12mm, F.O.V 22mm, DIC
  • Plan Apochromat 10X Glycerol Immersion Objective Lens, N.A. 0.5, W.D. 5.5mm

Confocal Specifications:

  • Lasers: 405,488,561,640
  • Filters: 450/50, 525/50, 600/50, 650LP
  • Descan detector: 2 GaAsP and 2 High Sensitivity PMTs

Mutliphopton Specifications:

  • IR laser: Chameleon Vision II tuning range is 680-1080 nm, total output power at 680 nm is >650 mW and >3500 mW at 800 nm, pulse duration is 140 fs
  • Filters: 525/50, 605/70
  • Non descan detectors: 3 GaAsP and 1 High Sensitivity PMT

Book Now (Room 778)

Widefield Systems:

  • Light Source: Colibri 7 LED
  • Filter Cubes:
    • Dapi –  Excitation 333-383; BP 395; Emission 420-470
    • GFP –  Excitation 450-490; BP 495; Emission 500-550
    • DsRed –  Excitation 538-562; BP 570; Emission 570-640
    • mPlum – Excitation 574-599; BP 605; Emission 612-682
    • Cy5 –  Excitation 625-655; BP 660; Emission 665-715
  • Objectives: 5X(0.13), 10X(0.45), 20X(0.8), 40X(0.6), 40XW(1.2), 63XOil(1.4)
  • Detector: Axiocam 712 mono 4096 x 3008
  • Book Now (Room 552)


  • Light Source: X-cite (Hg-halide), Colibri LED (455, 470, 505, 590)
  • Emission Filter Cubes:
    • Dapi –  Excitation 350/50; Emission 460/50
    • CFP –  Excitation 436/20; Emission 480/40
    • GFP –  Excitation 470/40; Emission 525/50
    • YFP –  Excitation 500/20; Emission 535/30
    • Cy3 –  Excitation 545/25; Emission 605/70
    • mCherry –  Excitation 560/40; Emission 630/75
    • Cy5 –  Excitation 620/60; Emission 770/75
    • Cy7 –  Excitation 710/75; Emission 795/50
  • Objectives: 5X(0.13), 10X(0.3), 20X(0.4), 25X(0.8), 40X(0.6), 40XOil(1.4), 63XOil(1.4), 100XOil(1.4)
  • Detector: OrcaR2 CCD
  • Book Now (Room 778)
  • Light Source: Hg-halide
  • Cubes: Dapi, GFP, Cy3
  • Objectives: 4X (0.1),10X (0.25),20X (0.5),40X (0.75),60XOil (1.25),100XOil (1.3)
  • Detector: Olympus DP72 colour camera
  • Book Now

High Content Imaging:

  • Sample formats – plates (6-1536 well), slides, dishes and flasks
  • Imaging Modes: Fluorescence, brightfield, high contrast brightfield, color brightfield, phase contrast
  • Excitation LED: 365, 465, 505, 555, 623, 740
  • Emission Filter Cubes:
    • Dapi –  Excitation 377/50; Emission 447/60
    • GFP –  Excitation 469/35; Emission 525/39
    • YFP –  Excitation 500/24; Emission 542/27
    • TRITC –  Excitation 556/20; Emission 600/37
    • Cy5 –  Excitation 628/40; Emission 685/40
    • Cy7 –  Excitation 710/40; Emission 809/81
  • Objectives (All Plan Fluorite):
    • 4X/0.13, WD: 17mm
    • 4/0.13 Phase, WD: 17mm
    • 10X/0.3 Phase, WD: 10mm
    • 20X/0.45 Phase, WD: 6.6-7.8nm
    • 40X/0.6 Phase, WD: 2.7-4.0 nm
  • Camera: Sony IMX264 CMOS, WFOV
  • Incubation: temperature to 65°C, CO2/O2
  • Accessories: BioSpa – allows for incubation and automated imaging for up to 8 plates
    • Incubation: temperature to 45°C, CO2/O2, humidity

  • Sample formats – plates (6-384 well), slides and dishes
  • Imaging Modes: Fluorescence, brightfield, phase gradient contrast, oblique contrast
  • Excitation LEDs:
    • Set 1: 385, 470, 567, 625
    • Set 2: 420, 520, 590
  • Emission Filters:
    • Quad Band Pass: 425/30, 514/30, 592/25, 709/100
    • Triple Band Pass: 467/24, 555/25, 687/145
  • Objectives (All Plan Apochromatic):
    • 5x/0.35 (2.5x/0.12; 5x/0.25; 10X/0.35), WD: 5.1mm
    • 20x/0.7 autocorr (10x/0.35; 20x/0.7, 40x/0.7), WD: 2.2mm
    • 20x/0.95 autocorr (10x/0.5; 20x/0.8; 40x/0.95), WD: 0.76mm
  • Camera: Axiocam 712 mono CMOS
  • Incubation: temperature to 60°C, CO2, humidity

Slide Scanning:

Slide scanning will be offered as a service, please watch video instructions and submit a requisition form.


  • 2.5x/0.12 Fluar
  •  5x/0.25 Plan Fluar
  • 10x/0.45 Plan Apochromat
  • 20x/0.8 Plan Apochromat
  • 40x/0.95 Plan Apochromat

Brightfield illumination source:

  • white light LED

Brightfield Camera – Hitachi 3-Chip color camera, model HV-F202SCL:

  • pixel size of 4.4um, (0.22um pixel size at 20x)
  • Full 30 fps
  • 24, 30 or 36 bit depth

Fluorescent Illumination (COLIBRI LED):

  • Red (630nm) for excitation of Alexa 631, Cy5, TOTO-3 and similar dyes
  •  Yellow (590nm) for excitation of Alex 568, Alexa 594, mCherry, mPlum and similar dyes
  • Green (555nm) for excitation of Alexa 555, Cy3, TRITC, DsRed and similar dyes
  • Cyan (511nm) for excitation of Alexa 514, eYFP, Eosin, TOTO-1 and similar dyes
  • Blue (475nm) for excitation of Alexa 488, eGFP, Fluo4, FITC and similar dyes
  • Violet (430nm) for excitation of Alexa 430, eCFP, Lucifer Yellow and similar dyes
  • UV (385nm) for excitation of Alexa 405, DAPI, Hoechst 33258 and similar dyes

Fluorescent emission filters:

  • Blank for TL
  • Quad (90HE): 425/35, 512/35, 590/25, 660LP
  • Tri (91HE): 435/25, 555/25, 610LP
  • Dual: 520/40, 595/70
  • Single band green emission: 520/40
  • Single band red emission: 620/60

Fluorescent Camera- Hamamatsu ORCA-Flash 4.0 V3:

  • 16 bit
  • 6.5um pixel size
  • QE of 82%
  • maximum capture rate of 100f

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5 HALO modules, two standard modules and three elective modules

  • Area Quantification Fluorescence – Analyze up to three fluorophores in a single image. Calculate percentage area and intensity of each fluorophore across analysis area and colocalization of mutltiple fluorophores
  • Area Quantification Brightfield – Separate up to three stains in a single image. Calculate percentage area of each stain, intensity of each stain, and colocalization of multiple stains
  • Tissue Classifier – Identify multiple tissues classes using a learn-by-example approach. Can be used in conjuction with all other modules (fluorescent and brightfield) to select specific tissue classes for further analysis.
  • Multiplex IHC – Quantify expression of up to 4 IHC markers in the nucleus, cytoplasm, or membrane. Ideally multiplex IHC applications.
  • High-Plex FL – Cell based analysis for up to 8 markers (plus DAPI). Ideally suited for high-plex FL applications and multi-spec imaging systems.

Animal Imaging

The Newton 7.0 FT500 is capable of both bioluminescence (2D and 3D tomography) as well as fluorescence imaging.

Designed for preclinical in vivo imaging of small animals with a fully automated heated stage and an integrated anesthesia system – allowing for up to 5 mice to be imaged simultaneously. (Also capable of ex vivo and in vitro applications.)

Camera – wide aperture (f/0.7) 16-bit cooled CCD camera

Fluorescence – 8 LED excitation channels, and 8 narrow bandpass emission filters for a wide array of fluorophores (420nm – 780nm).