When is a purchase order required?
A purchase order is required for payment values greater than $24,999.99. In most cases for research, purchase orders are used for equipment. During the initiation of a purchase order, research contracts may also be required for other agreements related to the purchase of equipment, this may include software agreements, etc.
How to set-up a purchase order?
Please complete the following forms:
- Non-competitive Approval Forms (NCAF) Forms can be found online through procurement services: NCAF Forms (Only through Intranet)
- Purchase Requisition Forms can be purchased from SMH Stores.
To complete the NCAF forms, please follow the following steps:
- Ensure that the following forms have all the necessary back-up including estimates and invoices needed.
- Submit to Procurement who will review and evaluate. Once evaluated, Procurement will provide PO Number.
- Make sure to contact (Researchcontracts@smh.ca) of the submitted purchase order, who may provide any additional contracts required to process the purchase orders.
- PO Number is then quoted on invoice and is sent over, along with Research Contracts forms for a contract to be executed. (You may receive research contract forms depending on the requirements of the purchase order and NCAF)
- If a research SPA contract is required, it must undergo review and approval of RFA in order to execute the following contracts. Once the contract has been executed, the invoice can then be submitted to Research Finance for processing. You must include the PO number.
What kinds of services can be supplied with an PO?
The services provided from the vendor can be:
- Goods,
- Consulting services,
- Other Non-Consulting services.
Are the desired services Consulting services?
Consulting services should be determined by the service being procured and not by the profession being demonstrated. Consulting services typically involve one or more of the following:
- Expert advice and guidance;
- Assessment without implementation;
- Strategic advice, thinking, guidance or plans;
- Consideration and/or decision making.
i.e. Management, IT, & Policy Consulting
Signing Authority for Procurement Goods and Services
For further information regarding to required approval for specific goods and services within procurement please refer to:
Procurement Approval Authority Schedule (Intranet Only)