Travel Requests

FORM:Travel Request Form

How to Organize Travel Arrangements

For Flight expenses for Research purposes, flight must be booked through hospital approved travel agency.  It is the staff member’s responsibility to work with the travel agent to find the most economical flight that is reasonable and meets limitations within this policy.

Before making booking arrangement

Before booking any of your travel arrangements, please visit  How do I organize travel arrangements site located on the intranet.


  1. Ask for an estimate from the travel agent (please contact research finance for the contact information) .
  2. Provide your flight date, name of the individual and times you want to fly to travel agent
  3. Travel agent will provide flight estimate. You will then complete the travel request form.
  4. Forward the travel agent’s estimate along with your completed travel request form to your Research Financial Analyst
  5. RFA reviews, signs, scans and emails travel agent, PI and coordinator, to book the flight
  6. Travel agent will book or contact coordinator/PI with the time and date they prefer and will bill PI activity

Expense Policy- Travel Announcement – July 21, 2016

All air travel tickets must be purchased through the Hospital’s approved travel agency.  This will ensure lowest possible rate for travel and the cost will charged directly to your research project, so there will be no need for use of personal credit card/funds.

The Travel Request Form must be completed and approved before submitting to your respective Research Financial Analyst in the Office of Research Administration for processing.   Your Research Financial Analyst will review, approve and arrange to submit the travel agent for processing.

Where it has been established that there is no preferred rate option with St. Michael’s approved travel agency, staff are permitted to book alternate economical air fare.  In the rare occasions when the hospital travel agency is unable to book your airfare, the cost for air travel will need to be reimbursed via submission of an expense report.

Boarding passes will no longer be required as backup to support reimbursement of an airfare charge for flights booked through the Hospital’s approved travel agency. A copy of the flight itinerary, however, must be included to claim reimbursement.

For further questions regarding the expense policy, please refer to Expense policy (Intranet Access only) or contact