Delegated Prospective Application

Studies that collect data prospectively and are deemed to be of minimal risk over standard procedures are considered ‘delegated prospective’ studies. These studies are reviewed by a subset of the Board and are submitted to the Research Ethics Board (REB) through the delegated prospective application process.

Studies that qualify for delegated review as minimal risk research may include:

  • research with no direct patient contact (i.e. chart review)
  • database development
  • questionnaires or surveys only

Delegated prospective applications are accepted on a rolling basis and not subject to a submission deadline.

Please follow these instructions to submit a delegated prospective application to the REB:

Complete the application package in the eREB

Log into the Unity Health eREB to complete and submit an application. For information on creating an account and logging in, please see the eREB page.

The following documents (if applicable) will be required with your submission:

  1. Research protocol (mandatory).
  2. Consent forms. All forms should be on hospital letterhead and meet the guidelines for writing a research consent form. If participants are under 16 years of age, a separate assent form must also be included.
  3. Questionnaires, data collection forms, and/or study instruments.
  4. Advertisement/poster. If recruiting participants by advertisement, must use institutional letterhead or include the hospital logo(s).
  5. Copy of peer review or any other REB approval. If the study has been approved elsewhere, a copy of the approval letter is required.

Submit the application

Once your application is complete, the eREB will prompt you to obtain PI and Co-I signatures. Once the last investigator has signed, the application will be submitted to the REB.

Review of application package by the Research Ethics Board

  1. On submission, your application will be screened for completeness.
  2. Complete applications will be reviewed by a delegated subset of the Board.
  3. Reviewed applications are then assigned to a Research Ethics Coordinator. 
  4. The Research Ethics Coordinator will send you a review letter. This contains the concerns related to your study that were raised during review of your application.
  5. You must satisfactorily respond to all of the items raised in the review letter prior to your study being approved.

If you have any questions, please contact your Research Ethics Coordinator. Your Research Ethics Coordinator will be identified in your review letter and will be the point of contact between you and the Board and will work with you through the review and approval process.

If you don’t have a Research Ethics Coordinator, please email

Approval of research ethics application

Once the review is complete and all concerns have been addressed, your application will be approved for a maximum of one year, and your approval letter will be sent to you via email.

Note: This approval pertains only to the research ethics components of your study. Please ensure that all other institutional approvals and contracts have been established prior to beginning your research.

Changes, amendments, annual renewals to your study

As your study progresses, make sure to keep the REB informed of any amendments, changes, or annual renewals to your study. In addition, please ensure your annual renewals are submitted prior to the expiry of your current approval.