We are building a resource such that Biobank staff can provide prospective sample collection and processing services for investigators who are performing research studies in hospitalized patients. Our Biobank is a not-for-profit resource and we recover a percentage of our operating costs via user access fees.
Unity Health researchers will benefit from subsidized rates, so that the Biobank can support Unity Health research projects. All other researchers or industry investigators should contact us for further information. The final cost of a service will be based on the logistics and complexity of the project.
The listed fees apply to the storage of human specimens in the Biobank’s freezers in LKS. Please contact us for information about storing specimens at St. Joesph’s Healthcare Centre.
The Biobank offers cryo-storage to researchers on a fee-for-service basis. Prior to gaining access to this service, it is recommended to contact the Biobank in order to discuss your project so we can identify your storage needs and identify any biohazardous risk in the samples being brought to the facility.